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​​​​Sundays 9 am

Contemporary - 2nd Sunday


Wednesday Night Schedule



In-person services as well as LIVE YouTube broadcasts (see the box on the right for instructions)


Listen to the broadcast at 10 am on radio station
KKIN 94.3 FM or 930 AM.




You do not need to be a member of First Lutheran to share the Sacrament with us. All who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine are welcome. We believe it is our Lord’s invitation to which we respond, our Lord’s meal at which we gather, our Lord’s gifts which we receive. Children not yet communing may come forward for a goldfish and a blessing.


Out of concern for those who cannot drink wine, we also offer white grape juice, which is in the other section of the chalice. Gluten-free wafers are also available -- please ask if you need one.


If you would like to receive communion but are not able to come forward, please let an usher know so that communion can be brought to you.



For either a LIVE BROADCAST of the service or the RECORDING of a previous service, click on this link:


To turn on subtitles/closed captioning on YouTube:


1. Open a YouTube video.
2. Click the gear icon  in the bottom-right corner of the video player to display the video player settings.
3. Expand the combo box next to Subtitles/CC.
4. Click the desired subtitle language to begin displaying subtitles.

You will have to do this each time with any video.



Listen to the Sunday 9:00 am service rebroadcast at 10 am on radio station KKIN 94.3 FM or 930 AM.

Watch the 9 am Sunday service LIVE on as well as anytime afterwards. Go to the YouTube website and search for "First Lutheran Church Aitkin".

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