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Women of the ELCA

Five circles: Esther, Lydia, Rachel, Rebecca and Ruth

President: Mary Peterson
Secretary: Arlene Freeman
Treasurer: Diane Rachey
Discipleship: Karilyn Martinson

The five circles are represented at each Executive Board Meeting.



Meetings: Quilting meets on Fridays at 9 AM with a coffee break in the forenoon. Bring a bag lunch and work until 2 PM. Call Linda Delaney for information (927-6237).

About the Ministry: The prayer shawl ministry continues each month, meeting the third Tuesday of each month in the library at one o’clock. Call Nanci Sauerbrei 218-251-5793.



“I also tell you this, if two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask for, My Father in heaven will do it for you” 

Matthew 18:19.


This is one of the most powerful promises in the Word of God. The prayer chains are not only two or more people praying together, but they are agreeing together. In their united concern, they come to God in prayer together asking and expecting results—and the promise is limitless! Who knows what great things God will do for us and through us when we take Him at His word as a prayer-answering God.


How the Prayer Chain works: The pastors should be contacted, if possible.


If you would like to become a participant in the phone tree ministry, please call the church office (927-2028) to be added to the email list for prayer concerns.


Teenagers or adults, male or female, are invited to participate in this ministry.



WELCA is actively involved in providing school, health and layette kits for Lutheran World Relief. This is the perfect time of the year to purchase supplies for school kits as there are many sales going on right now. Here are some of the items that we could use:

1.  Notebooks

2.  Blunt scissors

3.  Thirty-centimeter ruler

4.  Pencil sharpener

5.  Number 2 pencils

6.  An eraser approximately 2-2/2” long

7.  Assorted construction paper

8.  16 or 24 count crayons

9.  Cloth bag approximately 12x14” with cloth handles or drawstrings


Please don’t donate any items with religious symbols, messages or with any church name as well as items decorated with a US flag, patriotic or military symbols or references to the armed forces, including camouflage. Please leave your items in the box marked “Lutheran World Relief” in the narthex. Thank you for your continuing support of the supplies for these kits.


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