Meets: Four times per year on the first Thursday in Feb., May, Aug., & Nov.
Chairperson: Lynne Kellerman
Mission: To oversee the health ministry of the congregation; to promote the well-being of individuals, families, and the community; to recognize that health involves the whole
person – body, mind and spirit; to work closely with the parish nurses to help plan health ministry projects. Included with this ministry are:
NOTE WRITING Mission: The goal is to send cards & notes to military personnel, members celebrating 80 + birthdays, members who are ill and those experiencing a death.
PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY Contact: Church Office
Mission: Supporting our friends, family and community through prayer and caring for one another especially in times of great personal need. Contact a pastor or the church office if you know of someone to be added to the list. We need permission from the individual to print their name in the bulletin and add to the prayer chain. No details need to be given.
Coordinator: Rebecca May
Members: Marcy Mateyka and Traci Moreland
Mission: (See Health Ministry)
The parish nurses are RN's who have received special parish nurse training.They work with the congregation to integrate faith and health while providing health education and counseling. They make home and hospital visits, refer people to appropriate health agencies and check blood pressures twice a month after worship. They also plan healing services.
Contact: Nanci Sauerbrei
Mission: To knit/crochet shawls and lap covers, plus make fleece blankets. They are distributed to all who need extra loving care. Please contact a pastor, parish nurse or the office if you know of someone who could benefit from receiving one.
Contact: Linda Delaney
Mission: Sharing God’s love by making quilts for Lutheran World Relief, local residents in need and our own high school graduates. If interested, please contact the church office. Meet every Friday at 9am in Sept. thru May. No experience or sewing skills necessary.
Contact: Church Office
Mission: To assist the pastor with providing communion to those not able to attend worship services.
Coordinator: Carla Hakes
Mission: An organized, lay care-giving ministry program of a friend to come alongside through the difficult changes and struggles that almost everyone faces eventually. Meals are prepared & delivered to those in special need; after hospitalization, birth of a baby, illness or death. If you are aware of anyone in our congregation who may benefit from this type of service, please contact one of the pastors.
Contact: Jill Jameson, Dori McMillan or Jill Sadlowsky
Mission: To distribute scholarships to assist any FLC member attending a post-secondary school. Applications are available on our website or in the Narthex. Applications are reviewed annually and scholarships are awarded using a point system. Everyone who applies will received a scholarship. Each recipient is asked to participate in at least two fundraising events per year, give a temple talk (live or recorded) and maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher.
Jesus was concerned for the whole person. Jesus’ ministry was to bring wholeness, holiness and health. The words “whole, holy and healthy” are all derived from the same Old English word “hal”, meaning complete. Thus “holy” and healthy” have the same basic meaning of wholeness.
“Glorify God in your body, set your minds and hearts on what is true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing and commendable”. Philippians 4:8
To become involved with any of these programs, please contact a Health Ministry Team Member or call the office at 218-927-2028.